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TAE Technologies Stock (TATE)

TAE Technologies claims to pioneer clean energy solutions. Their focus lies on developing commercially viable aneutronic fusion power using readily available elements.

TAE Technologies is a developer of commercial fusion power aimed to be safe and affordable. The company's core mission is to create a new source of clean energy – one that’s powered through the fusion the of boron and hydrogen, two readily available elements. TAE Technologies was founded in 1998 and has been developing a machine that can be used to heat the elements to a temperature high enough for fusion. TAE Technologies is headquartered in Orange County, California and is backed by investors including Vulcan Capital, Venrock, and New Enterprise Associates.

About TAE Technologies Stock




Foothill Ranch, CA, US

Total Funding



Energy, Sustainability

TAE Technologies is aiming to develop a safe and affordable source of commercial fusion power. The company's core mission is to create a new source of clean energy – one that’s powered through the fusion of boron and hydrogen, two readily available elements. TAE Technologies was founded in 1998 and has been developing a machine that can be used to heat the elements to a temperature high enough for fusion. In addition, to commercial fusion power, TAE Technologies is also focused on providing energy storage and power delivery systems and cancer therapy through its two subsidiaries TAE Power Solutions and TAE Life Sciences. TAE Technologies has over 2,300 issued patents, more than $1.2 billion in private capital, six generations of National Laboratory-scale devices and a team of over 600 employees. 

TAE Technologies is headquartered in Orange County, California. Notable investors include Vulcan Capital, Venrock, and New Enterprise Associates.

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TAE Technologies Management

Leadership team at TAE Technologies

Chief Executive Officer

Michl Binderbauer

Chief Financial Officer

Ran Baraket

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TAE Technologies Key Facts

• Fusion power generation is an attractive industry due to its sustainability and economic benefits. Given that it doesn’t emit CO2 and fusion power generation cannot cause a meltdown, it is considered a safer way to harness nuclear energy. 
• The recent technological breakthrough of fusion ignition highlighted by the scientists at the Energy Department’s Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (“LLNL”) reinforces a stronger future for this type of green technology. Fusion ignition essentially means that more energy was generated from fusion than was needed to operate the tools that helped trigger the overall reaction. 
• There is a significant level of private investment in this industry as well. Per Sumitomo Corp, “recently, Commonwealth Fusion Systems of the United States and General Fusion of Canada have received significant funding from Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos, respectively.” In fact, Global Venturing noted, "Private fusion companies have raised at least $2.8bn in the past year, bringing total private sector investment to $4.8bn, according to a recent report by the Fusion Industry Association, a trade body. This is a 139% funding increase since 2021."

• There are numerous technological challenges that all companies in this space, including TAE, have to address in order to be commercially viable. Given its choice of feedstock, one challenge for TAE is achieving temperatures that can sustain the fusion reaction for a long period of time. 
• The costs to build the infrastructure around nuclear fusion could weigh on prospects for the company. The Asia-Pacific Economics Blog indicates that “it may only cost $0.03 per kilowatt hour to create energy from nuclear fusion, but that doesn’t take into account the construction costs necessary to create the utility infrastructure that would be required. The investment necessary would be in the trillions of dollars if looked at on a global scale...”
• There are still environmental and regulatory concerns with nuclear fusion reactors and energy. Per the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, “in fact, these neutron streams lead directly to four regrettable problems with nuclear energy: radiation damage to structures; radioactive waste; the need for biological shielding; and the potential for the production of weapons-grade plutonium 239—thus adding to the threat of nuclear weapons proliferation, not lessening it, as fusion proponents would have it.”

Trading TAE Technologies Stock

How to invest in TAE Technologies stock?

Accredited investors can buy pre-IPO stock in companies like TAE Technologies through EquityZen funds. These investments are made available by existing TAE Technologies shareholders who sell their shares on our platform. Typically, these are early employees who need to fund a life event – house, education, etc. Accredited investors are then offered the opportunity to invest in this stock through a fund, like those used by hedge funds serving large investors. While not without risk, investing in private companies can help investors reach goals of portfolio diversification, access to potential growth and high potential return. Learn more about our Guided Investment process here.

How to sell TAE Technologies stock?

Shareholders can sell their TAE Technologies stock through EquityZen's private company marketplace. EquityZen's network includes over 350K accredited investors interested in buying private company stock. Learn more about the easy and guided Shareholder process here.

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There are two ways to exit your private company investment on EquityZen's marketplace. The first is if the company has an exit event like an IPO, merger or acquisition. In that case, we will distribute the shares and/or cash to you directly. The second way is through an Express Deal on EquityZen, if eligible. An Express Deal allows you to sell your allocation of private shares in a given private company to another investor on EquityZen's marketplace. More information on Express Deals can be found here and exit information can be found here.

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