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Sesame HR Stock (SEHR)

Sesame HR is the human resources software that optimises and centralises employee management processes on a single platform.

About Sesame HR Stock




Software, Administrative Services

Sesame HR is the Human Resources software that helps companies that want to automate their HR processes in a centralised and secure way, make business decisions with always up-to-date information and create the best experience for their employees. It is a multi-device tool (computer, tablet and mobile) synchronised in real time, so that you can access all the information about your team always up to date, at any time and from anywhere, as it is stored securely in the cloud to prevent loss of important data. Sesame HR is designed to keep teams always connected, communicated and informed. That's why, for any change, request or incident, Sesame's notification system sends you an alert so you can resolve it on the spot. You can customise the configuration of the automations and choose which alerts you want to receive: when an employee is inactive, has not clocked in, has exceeded the number of hours worked, etc. It has a number of features designed to help HR professionals streamline tasks and empower teams in four areas. Within time management, the tool has a time tracking system that allows employees to clock in digitally and modify their clockings when there are errors, and for managers to manage requests and keep a legally valid record of their teams' working hours. It also includes clocking-in systems such as Face ID and can be integrated with other biometric systems. Other functionalities include time off management, organising shifts and work schedules, and keeping team overtime under control. In People we find functionalities such as recruitment, which helps companies to attract the best talent; task tracking, which allows you to track the tasks of employees and the profitability of their projects; document manager, with which you can store and organise the work documents of the team in a secure and accessible way; and HR reports, which allow you to collect all the information you need to make good decisions and also with legal validity when it comes to presenting them in inspections and audits. In Talent and Culture there is Onboarding, which facilitates the management of the onboarding process for new employees; Surveys, which allows you to create and send surveys to employees in less than 5 minutes and receive feedback in real time; and Internal Communication, a tool that includes the option to send mass communications to the entire company and an HR chat, which connects your employees with the HR team instantly. Finally, in Administration we include Meeting Room Booking, to manage meeting spaces in the office and avoid overlaps; Payroll, which simplifies the distribution of employee pay slips; and Digital Signature, which is integrated into the documents of the Document Manager where necessary to request the signature of employees.

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How to invest in Sesame HR stock?

Accredited investors can buy pre-IPO stock in companies like Sesame HR through EquityZen funds. These investments are made available by existing Sesame HR shareholders who sell their shares on our platform. Typically, these are early employees who need to fund a life event – house, education, etc. Accredited investors are then offered the opportunity to invest in this stock through a fund, like those used by hedge funds serving large investors. While not without risk, investing in private companies can help investors reach goals of portfolio diversification, access to potential growth and high potential return. Learn more about our Guided Investment process here.

How to sell Sesame HR stock?

Shareholders can sell their Sesame HR stock through EquityZen's private company marketplace. EquityZen's network includes over 320K accredited investors interested in buying private company stock. Learn more about the easy and guided Shareholder process here.

If I invest, how do I exit my investment?

There are two ways to exit your private company investment on EquityZen's marketplace. The first is if the company has an exit event like an IPO, merger or acquisition. In that case, we will distribute the shares and/or cash to you directly. The second way is through an Express Deal on EquityZen, if eligible. An Express Deal allows you to sell your allocation of private shares in a given private company to another investor on EquityZen's marketplace. More information on Express Deals can be found here and exit information can be found here.

Why choose EquityZen?

Since 2013, the EquityZen marketplace has made it easy to buy and sell shares in private companies. EquityZen brings together investors and shareholders, providing liquidity to early shareholders and private market access to accredited investors. With low investment minimums through our funds and with more than 43K private placements completed across 450+ companies, EquityZen leads the way in delivering "Private Markets for the Public."