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ABL Space Systems Stock (ABSS)
Low-cost satellite carrier rockets
About ABL Space Systems Stock
Total Funding
Software, Artificial Intelligence, Data and Analytics
According to ABL Space Systems, the Company designs, builds and operates a low-cost rocket used as a launch vehicle for small satellites called the RS1. The Company also designs and builds its own family of rocket engines, called the E1 and E2. Below are exhibits of ABL Space Systems' engine family and launch vehicle.
ABLÂ Space Systems
Source: ABL Space Systems
According to ABL Space Systems, at a 1,200 kg payload capacity, the RS1 aims to provide meaningfully more payload capacity than many nanosatellite launchers. The RS1 can carry single large satellites or a combination of many 150kg to 350kg satellites to Low Earth Orbit. Additionally, ABL's launch systems and RS1 launch vehicle are packaged into shipping containers, making the entire launch pad mobile and deployable. For commercial satellite operations, ABL aims to enable the flexibility to launch from any FAA-licensed fixed launch site with ease. For government space resiliency efforts, ABL’s deployable launch system aims to give Department of Defense and Intelligence Community customers the ability to launch satellites from distributed, non-traditional launch sites.
ABL Space Systems has a 20,000 square foot facility for research, development, and production in El Segundo, California and has also established a test site in Camden, Georgia with 10,000 square feet of integration and testing facilities and a 250 acre test site. Moreover, the Company has a private engine test site in Las Cruces, New Mexico.
ABL Space Systems was founded in 2017 and is headquartered in El Segundo, California. The Company has a team of over 20 aerospace engineers with prior experience at SpaceX, Virgin Orbit, Boeing, Lockheed Martin, Pratt + Whitney, and elsewhere.ABL Space Systems Press Mentions
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Fire, fed by leaking engines, destroyed ABL Space Systems rocket
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ABL Space System's 2nd RS1 rocket destroyed during preflight testing
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Investors in ABL Space Systems
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ABL Space Systems Management
Leadership team at ABL Space Systems
Chief Executive Officer
Harry O'Hanley
Chief Engineer
Darin Van Pelt
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How to invest in ABL Space Systems stock?
Accredited investors can buy pre-IPO stock in companies like ABL Space Systems through EquityZen funds. These investments are made available by existing ABL Space Systems shareholders who sell their shares on our platform. Typically, these are early employees who need to fund a life event – house, education, etc. Accredited investors are then offered the opportunity to invest in this stock through a fund, like those used by hedge funds serving large investors. While not without risk, investing in private companies can help investors reach goals of portfolio diversification, access to potential growth and high potential return. Learn more about our Guided Investment process here.
How to sell ABL Space Systems stock?
Shareholders can sell their ABL Space Systems stock through EquityZen's private company marketplace. EquityZen's network includes over 340K accredited investors interested in buying private company stock. Learn more about the easy and guided Shareholder process here.
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There are two ways to exit your private company investment on EquityZen's marketplace. The first is if the company has an exit event like an IPO, merger or acquisition. In that case, we will distribute the shares and/or cash to you directly. The second way is through an Express Deal on EquityZen, if eligible. An Express Deal allows you to sell your allocation of private shares in a given private company to another investor on EquityZen's marketplace. More information on Express Deals can be found here and exit information can be found here.
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