Meltwater Stock

Media Intelligence & social listening tools

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Notable Investors

Vista Equity Partners


San Francisco CA, US

Total Funding


About Meltwater Stock

Meltwater helps companies make better, more informed decisions based on insights from the outside. We believe that business strategy will be increasingly shaped by insights from online data. Organizations will look outside, beyond their internal reporting systems to a world of data that is constantly growing and changing. Our customers use these insights to make timely decisions based on real-time analysis. More than 25,000 companies use the Meltwater media intelligence platform to stay on top of billions of online conversations, extract relevant insights, and use them to strategically manage their brand and stay ahead of their competition. With more than 50 offices on six continents, Meltwater is dedicated to personal, global service built on local expertise. Meltwater also operates the Meltwater Entrepreneurial School of Technology (MEST), a nonprofit organization devoted to nurturing future generations of entrepreneurs.


Funding History

February 2017$60.0M
March 2019$175M


Founder & Chief Executive Officer

Jorn Lyseggen

Chief Financial Officer

Martin Hernandez

Chief Technical Officer

Aditya Jami


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